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Tag Rugby

Provide an interesting and enjoyable introduction to the sport of rugby through systematic coaching course run by qualified coaches in a safe environment. Its will introduce to Rugby. It includes basic theory, fundamental team skills, and fitness training.


課程透過有系統及有趣之訓練,推廣欖球運動,讓更多有興趣之友連同三五知己一起享受欖球之樂,並發掘有潛質之新秀,晉身為『香港青少年欖球代表』。提供有 系統及有趣的訓練給予小朋友,歡迎各家長攜同子女一同參與。欖球是一項具紀律、自信及團體的運動,初學者均從簡化欖球開始練習,由淺入深,使各參加者均能 享受欖球之樂。