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Basketball Training Certificate Program
籃球訓練証書課程(1.5 hour/lesson)

All the above will be accomplished through the use of a variety of fun drill, skills and games designed to make the learning process a joyful and happy experience for the first lesson and need to be repeated on the second lesson but in a more intensive way.  This course is designed and aimed at players ages 5 through to 19 years of age, from the “novice” (5-7 years of age) beginners (8-10 years of age) Intermediate (11-13 years of age) Upper intermediate (14-16 years of age) and all-stars (17 to 19 years of age) right up to the more “elite” player as well as adults.

此課程有別於一般刻板式訓練,主要以遊戲及趣味方法進行練習,以每2堂作為1個訓練單元,不但提高學員對參與運動的興趣,更能令學員深刻掌握籃球技巧。 此課程主要針對5歲至19歲之小朋友及青少年,分為BB組(5-7歲)、初級組(8-10歲)、中級組(11-13歲)、高級組(14-16歲)及明星組(17-19歲)。

Targeted Levels of Teaching & Teaching plan 課程大綱

Novice:(ages 5-7)
A simple and fun method of teaching the young player the game of basketball from the grass roots level.At the completion of this course, these youngsters should be able to perform the following skills:

  • Perform the chest and bounce pass with accuracy to a targeted player
  • Catch a ball passed to them with success
  • Demonstrate the basic basketball stance
  • Dribble with both hands
  • Use of the pivot foot
  • Demonstrate the basic concepts of shooting at a lower basket using the B.E./E.F. method

All the above will be accomplished through the use of a variety of fun drill, skills and games designed to make the learning process a joyful and happy experience.


  • 能準確地運用胸前傳球
  • 能準確接下傳給自己的球
  • 能展示出正確的基本籃球動作
  • 能夠雙手運球
  • 懂得使用重心腳
  • 射球的時候(籃低下)能使用B.E/E.F.方法(B.E/E.F. – Balance.Eyes / Elbow.Follow through)

Beginner: (ages 8-10)
At this level, the students will be taught a higher level of basic skills and following the completion of the course should be able to perform the following skills

  • Perform the chest, bounce, baseball and overhead pass with accuracy to a targeted player.
  • Catch a ball passed to them with success
  • Demonstrate the basic triple threat stance
  • Dribble with both hands including the cross-over dribble
  • Use of the pivot foot and to create space with pass fakes
  • Effectively demonstrate the concepts of shooting including the lay-up using the BEEF method of shooting.

The above will be accomplished with a variety of fun drills, skills, games and the introduction of one on one and two on two team concepts


  • 能準確地運用胸前傳球、彈地傳球、棒球式長傳及頭上傳球
  • 能準確接下傳給自己的球
  • 能展示出正確的預備動作及保護籃球動作
  • 能夠雙手運球,並能夠胯下插花
  • 懂得使用重心腳及假動作
  • 射球的時候(包括走籃)能使用B.E/E.F.方法(B.E/E.F. – Balance.Eyes / Elbow.Follow through)
  • 會教授一對一及二對二之技巧

Intermediate:(ages 11-13)
At this level, the students will be taught the concepts of team play through a variety of interesting and fun methods.Team concepts such as three on three to teach the three person game and build up to the five person game. Following the completion of this course, these youngsters should be able to demonstrate the following skills:

  • Perform the four basic passes with skill and accuracy to a targeted player
  • Perform the four basic passes with skill and accuracy to a targeted player on the move
  • Catch a ball passed to them with success while they are on the move
  • Demonstrate and use the triple threat stance in an effort to create spacing as well as fake drive and shoot a lay-up
  • Perform dribbling with both hands including the cross-over, spin dribble while beginning to learn the basic concepts of the around the back and through the legs dribbles.
  • Skillfully demonstrate the concepts of shooting using the BEEF method and be able to perform a lay-up from both sides of the basket using both hands.
  • Learn the fundamentals of the jump shot using the BEEF method.
  • Begin to learn the basic stance for the development of the defensive technique of play.-.

The above skills will be accomplished with the use of a variety of team and individual drills and skills as well as fun three on three games leading up to a five on five team game. The defensive component will be taught and developed through the use of one on one and three on three team concepts


  • 能準確地運用4種基本傳球
  • 能在跑動中準確地運用4種基本傳球
  • 能在跑動中準確接下傳給自己的球
  • 能自我製造射球空間及使用走籃技巧
  • 能夠雙手運球,並能夠腳下插花
  • 射球的時候能使用B.E/E.F.方法(B.E/E.F. – Balance.Eyes / Elbow.Follow through),並能從左右兩邊皆能運球上籃
  • 使用B.E/E.F.方法,開始學習跳射
  • 開始學習防守之姿勢及技巧

Upper intermediate:(ages 14-16)
At this level, the concepts of team play will be further developed.Concepts such as five on five team play and five on five team defensive concepts will be taught and reinforced.These skills will be developed through a variety of team skills and drills and the continuing practice of basketball fundamentals. Following this course, these players should be familiar with all concepts of both offensive and defensive individual and team play and should be able to demonstrate the following skills.

  • Perform all passes with skill and accuracy to moving players as well as be able to accept passes with confidence while they too are on the move.
  • Dribble using all dribbling concepts with head up and complete control of the basketball.
  • Dribble confidently with off hand during game situations and be able to dribble around opposing players using a variety of skilled dribbles
  • Demonstrate a variety of shots including left and right hand lay-ups as well as jump shots using the BEEF method.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of both team offensive play as well as team defensive play.
  • Demonstrate individual offensive moves and one on one defensive play

The above will be accomplished by the use of full court team and individual skills and drills as well as the use of team practice concepts.At this level, it is important to place the youngsters in a variety of team roles such as three on three and five on five situations and games.Further, at this level, participants will be introduced to the rules of the game of basketball.


  • 能準確地在砲動中運用所有傳球技巧及接球技巧
  • 能使用所有運球技巧,並保持眼望前方仍能控球的技巧
  • 能使用所有射球技巧,包括左右怕能上籃,及使用B.E/E.F.方法
  • 能夠明白團隊進攻及防守之戰術運用
  • 能夠開展一對一之進攻及防守
  • 開始介紹球例

All Stars:(ages 17-19)
This course is designed and targeted for the experienced basketball player who wants to improve their already developed skills.As well, this course will enable them to increase their overall game play skills.Over the length of this course, more advanced concepts of game and team play will be offered and reinforced in a controlled and fun environment.The emphasis of the All-star course will be to further develop the fine and gross motor skills of the student for the game of basketball.Following this advanced phase of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate;

  • Perform all passes with skill and accuracy
  • Demonstrate all varieties of shots including left and right hand lay-ups, jump shots, free throws, four types of post moves, moves on the move and reverse lay up using the BEEF method of shooting.
  • Dribble with both hands head up demonstrating control and confidence and using a variety of dribbles including crossover, spin, around the back and through the legs.Demonstrate the ability to beat the defender with use of the dribble.
  • Has an understanding of both zone and man defenses as well as the ability to defend within a team concept and on an individual basis.
  • Demands a complete understand of all the rules of the game and plays within them.

The above will be accomplished by the reinforcement of game play techniques in a fun environment through the use of games activities and specific skills and coaching. Throughout this course, the students will be given maximum opportunity to practice, experiment with and refine their new skills in basketball fundamentals while being involved in a variety of specific games and activities.


  • 能準確地在砲動中運用所有傳球技巧及接球技巧
  • 能使用所有運球技巧,並保持眼望前方仍能控球的技巧,及可以運球擺脫防守自己的對手
  • 能使用所有射球技巧,包括左右手皆能上籃、跳射、罰球、籃底動作,及使用B.E/E.F.方法
  • 能夠明白區域聯防及人盯人之防守,與及團隊防守技巧
  • 明白所有球例及戰術,並能加以運用